Вопрос задает – Stacy, Пермь. Cost Of Pregnancy Care, All Scans And Health Checks With The Doctor From Early Diagnosis Of Pregnanc
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Вопрос задает – Stacy, Coombs, Moscow по теме: Беременность

stacy, Coombs:
Cost of pregnancy care, all scans and health checks with the doctor from early diagnosis of pregnancy to the delivery (including delivery, accommodation and medical care) I am British, English speaking Doctor please.

Клинический госпиталь Лапино «Мать и дитя»
Клинический госпиталь Лапино «Мать и дитя»:
Dear Stacy,

Yes, we have English-speaking doctors.
We have different types of pregnancy-care contracts starting from the very beginning of pregnancy (prices vary from about RUB 270 672 for a standard contract to RUB 700 000 for unlimited contract), from 12 weeks (RUB 247 264 – 640 000), 24 weeks (RUB 205 824 – 500 000) or 36 weeks (RUB 103 824 – 235 000).
As for delivery contracts, prices depend on whether you will have natural delivery or C-Section, whether you have one or more than one baby, on the doctor you choose and on the type of accommodation.
Prices for delivery packages range from RUB 259 000 to RUB 990 000.
We will be happy to welcome you in Lapino!

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